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"Dear Pa"

Dear, Pa –

it’s your once-son

Danny – or better known

as Sandy, or Annie or;

Ann-Marie and to some

folks on 19th Street,

I’m known as a sinner, a tranny!

My life is a movie, like

a catwalk model; and

I play a very special person, who’s got

no-one to lean on, no mommy to hold, and;

Wait, I know her. She’s familiar to me like,

I’ve known her since the beginning of time, but

right now, in physical form, she stands

in front of me in the;

mirror, Pa. Yes, I am her reflection, no

I mean she’s my reflection and I realize

that; all along, this whole time, I told myself

a big-fat lie; as a child, hatred and anger

were the tears I cried. So –

this one’s for you, my king,

my liege; this one’s the promise

that we’ll keep; this one’s the bond

between our sheets; but this one’s the

one that’ll point at you; before I lift

the middle one, to say, “Screw You!”

But hey, Pa – here I am. A

woman, not a man. A bonafide,

sophisticated lady in minx

with, real diamond earrings and

fierce wings; those nails, my nose

and my lips – make me feel like I’ve

power at my fingertips.

Tonight is my show – it’s my time

to shine. And I’m going to kill it

like I know I can – so thank you Pa,

and thank you, ma’am. For giving

me the strength to be who I am.


This in an ekphrastic poem which was written in response to the featured image of Himmel Reyes, photographed by Kike Arnal.

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